
Some of you may know me from my writings at Surfing the Tao.

I have lived in Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii with my family for over 10 years.  It’s a beautiful, wonderful place to live – the people are warm and friendly, and the island itself is a living, breathing force of power and magnificence. The largest by far of the Hawaiian islands, it offers an abundance of resources – fruit, vegetables, wild game, fresh water, a mild climate, not to mention the knowledge of the local culture, based on the wisdom of the ancients.

Hawaii is the most remote place on the planet, thousands of miles from the nearest landmass.  While some might doubt this is the place to ride out an emergency, in fact, we are safer than one might think, even considering the active volcanoes and tsunamis.  Alternative theorists and remote viewers consistently mention the Big Island as being one of the few remaining truly safe zones on our planet.  Take that as you will, and yet, I can never leave the island without a slight feeling of trepidation, and am always relieved when I return.  Maybe I’m not even really sure why that is.

Of course, things still do and could happen here, as they can anywhere.   The recent tsunami, the result of the massive earthquake in Japan in March 2011, is proof of that.  And I aim to be prepared to the best of my ability.  None of the information here is provided in a fear-based mentality, but rather as a resource to be used to avoid just that.  Being prepared, physically and emotionally, is the best insurance against any catastrophe.  And when the great percentage of our goods and food is still shipped in from the mainland, I might ask you, what your plans are in case for any reason, and for any length of time, the boats stop coming.  Do you know where to find, or how to distill or filter, fresh water?  Do you grow any of your own food, or know someone who does?  Do you have extra supplies of medicines and even toilet paper, things that may go very quickly in such times?

No matter where you live on the planet, being prepared is good advice in uncertain times.  I look forward to posting information here that can aid and support the island’s transition to a self-sustaining and community-oriented culture, apocalypse or no apocalypse.

1 Response to About

  1. Dale says:

    Excellent site! Tons of information! Especially like the why’s of preparedness, spot on! The County of Hawaii should link here.

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